
Health food, enough exercise, sense of moderation are efficient tools for a healthy mind in a healthy body and for prevention of illness.

Making music, singing (alone or with other people) can also largely contribute to the same goal. This would be the same as tuning an instrument to harmonize the sound. The body is a bunch of vibrations, just like a musical instrument and we can tune it up with sound frequencies.

The whole cosmos is vibrating on (not audible) tones. These tones can be developped to the level of audible sounds. When a tone is vibrating with other tones, then resonance appears. The cosmos is one big resonating bowl! In the human body each cell, each organ, vibrates in its own frequency. Toghether they are resonating harmoniously which creates unique vibrations like a living symphony. When an human organ is not vibrating in its wright frequency we would say that there are some false notes in the living symphony. In that case illness is showing up.

How can sound healing be a help?

Practical applications

Tibetan bowls

The vibrations of Tibetan bowls touch not only the ears but also the whole human being. They are doing it in a sound scouting, relaxing, music making way, bringing a soft atmosphere, juggling with sounds, removing stress and having the effect of a beneficial sonic massage for each fibre, each cell. In some circumstances an Tibetan bowl bath can lead to extatic feelings. Tibetan bowls are rich in overtones with an harmonising effect on body and mind. They can be a great help to live in balance with our outer en inner world. To live in balance means that we can do good service on the whole.

The only way to experience with a Tibetan bowl sound bath is to dive and enjoy it!

MRS 3000 and 4000 (Magnetic field Resonance System)

MRS is also resonating with objects, not by means of sounds but with earth magnetism. It serves the same goals as Tibetan bowls to harmonise and to bring balance. Therefore MRS supports the effects of Tibetan bowls. The basic frequency of Mother Earth (7,6 Hz) is the same as the frequency of the brain. MRS works with magnetic pulsations and the effects of such a pulsating magnetic field result in strenghtening the immune system, enhancing the regenerating forces and ameliorating performances in all areas of life.

MRS consists of a mat, a pen and a stearing computer (cfr. photo). The optimal effect of MRS originates in restoring the subtle balance between stress and relaxation.

MRS can be a support in case of revalidation after an accident or serious illness, prevention, amelioration of oxigen-assimilation into the blood, stabilisation of the psyche, the get going of metabolism, improvement of the auto-immune system, increasing in all areas the quality of life. Because of the pollution of water, soil and air in the environment our auto-immune system is put more and more on the proof. MRS offers an evident answer to improve our resistance.

The loving vibrations of Mother Earth are irresistable because of their beneficial effects for mind, body and soul.

'Who cares for Mother Earth, who's cradling her with love, who sings a song for her?'

(excerpt from the song 'Listen to the Earth')

The combination of MRS and Tibetan bowls is a gentle way to delicious relaxation.

Name singing

Every person has a first name (or names) and a family name. The letters of these names represent a combination of a unique personal frequency which correspond with the energy of the owner. This is a valuable piece of musical identity that refers to our divine nature. Singing your name is not a sort of vanity or pride, but a way to improve our energy and even to love ourselves more. I can assist you from a distance if you would ask for it. I can sing your names during a month every day and doing so while tuned in and using Tibetan bowls. When I tune in, we are united like a radio-transmitter with its listener. All is one and one is all!


  • Music and miracles : a companion to music (Don G.Campbell) (Wheaton : Quest Books, 1992)
  • Nada Brahma : the world is sound (Joachim-Ernst Behrend) (Rochester, VT :Inner traditions - Destiny Books 1987)
